10 Years of
Audiovisual Art

Since 2011 Kernel has been promoting technological experiments and artistic expressions that involve the public in new and immersive experiences capable of enhancing urban places of symbolic, artistic and cultural value.

Kernel creates opportunities for internationally known artists and young talents called to interact in the interpretation of the public space with their artistic visions.

In ten years of Kernel Festival more than 200 artists have exhibited their creations and productions … and we want to show more and more.


Monza, June – November 2021



AreaOdeon celebrates ten years of the Kernel with a new approach to the traditional formula of the event, in compliance with the safety regulations due to the Covid-19 emergency. A different setting, with a wider scope, which guarantees the public, the artists and all the bodies involved the opportunity to return to experience the city through art in the streets, with a series of free events spread throughout the territory, for a period which runs from June to November.

No crowd, no rush, there is space and time for everyone to enjoy!

Audiovisual Mapping

For Kernel, audiovisual mapping is an opportunity to involve artists in the interpretation of the same “canvas”, each developing their own work. The same architecture, the same facade, the same urban context are interpreted by the artists involved in a unique and personal way, through their language and style, to offer the public a different and innovative perception of reality.

  • September 24th – October 3rd 2021 – DUOMO OF MONZA
    shows schedule: 8:30pm, 9:15pm, 10:00pm, 10:45pm, 11:30pm
    free entry
    The facade of the Duomo of Monza, recently restored to its extraordinary beauty, becomes the protagonist and source of inspiration for internationally renown artists.
    Each one offers the public his personal interpretation of the façade through the creation of an audiovisual 3D mapping short film which, highlighting the architectural elements of the building, animates the surface.


PARTIALS by Playmodes Studio _ES

In sound, the concept of “partial” refers to any of the simple waves of which a complex tone is composed. Each of this partials can be harmonic -its frequency is an integer ratio of the root partial- or inharmonic, and the particular configuration of partials in a complex sound will lead to different timbres, from smooth musical sonorities to harsh noises.
In this work, Playmodes transforms the facade of the Duomo in an architectural sound design device. The horizontal white strips of the building act as placeholders for the visualization of sound, in an exercise of architectural sonification and procedural graphics generated through hand-made coding tools.

ALMA by Luca Agnani _IT

Alma, “that nourishes, that gives life”, developed by the young Italian artist of international experience, is a journey into the Spirit of the Duomo made of dense matter, empty and full spaces, lights and darkness that contrast each other creating energy.

INFECTIO by Delumen _IT

“Widespread and threatening action to the detriment of individual or social integrity.”
Infectio, by the Modenese group, is the visual interpretation of the phases in which the system, once infected, adapts and changes, from the entry of the infection to the overload of information. The infection changes, grows and many times it is not the one to fight. But what feeds it.

METRICA by AreaOdeon _IT

The term metric refers to the set of rules governing the composition and rhythm of a verse and the formation of stanzas.
AreaOdeon collective revisits the concept looking for a new metric made up of graphic and musical triplets that decline a perception of space and time, in a rhythmic composition of geometries, sounds and colors, regulated by constantly repeated segments. An obsessive generation of stanzas that progressively brings the story into the volumes of architecture, in an interweaving of elements that gives life to a visual poem.


In this edition the protagonists of the audiovisual creations will not only be known artists, but also students of art academies and children of elementary and middle schools. A chance to stimulate the new generations to interact with established and recognised personalities, to offer a look to the future full of expressive opportunities.

  • June – July 2021 – PONTE DEI LEONI MONZA
Students of IED - Istituto Europeo di Design di Milano

Technology and nature, cinema and current events, the birth of the cosmos and the reflection on missing moments. These are the themes proposed in the five audiovisual mapping short films made by the students of the second grades of the IED-Milan Video Design course, coordinated by Vincenzo Fabiano.

  • Meltdown [P. Basilico, A. Cattaneo, N. Gabbana, T. Licalzi, A. Pion, C. Piva, C. Salvietti, G. Sernicola]
  • Disinformationary [A. Barbui, R. Broto, I. Grafato, M. Malinconico, P. Ronzoni, L. Verzeri]
  • Virtual Reality [V. Amedeo, G. Cascella, F. Martina, J. Green, D. Misuraca, S. Parolini, M. Raco, I. Sabet, S. Sartore]
  • Digital Evolution [E. Castagna, T. Grani, K. Kapollari, E. Martinelli]
  • Contact [M. C. Manini, D. Marra, E. Miserendino, C. Novaga]


Elementary and middle school children

Young pupils of elementary and middle schools reinterpret the facade with their imagination. The contents developed by them during a workshop become the protagonists of the projections in a dynamic show.
The intervention involves the middle schools of the Raiberti plexus of Monza, the Baby College and Junior College Bilingual Schools of Monza and Seregno and some middle schools in New Mexico (USA) thanks to the collaboration with STEMarts Lab.

Sound Safari

City center locations
from June to November, 24 hours a day

An unprecedented exploration of the city of Monza thanks to an innovative technological platform for listening and contemplation. A sound experience to rediscover city places and spaces, where each site acquires a different meaning and atmosphere thanks to a dedicated musical and poetic project.

A Sound Safari to be experienced with the help of your smartphone and through your earphones, following the interactive map with the GPS activated, or by identifying the signposts while walking around the city; navigating it day and night to discover the works that each artist has linked to a specific place of historical and cultural value.

Soundscapes and electronic sound design projects, but also works by Dante Alighieri interpreted and set to music in a contemporary key, offer the public a new perception of the urban space.

SENSORY PATH – soundscapes and sound design
An immersion in the city where sights and sounds dialogue for a new perception of the urban space

VICINO LONTANO / Painé Cuadrelli / Piazza Trento e Trieste

A sound portal transports the audience to the Chatham Islands (New Zealand). Environments, sounds from the antipodes and musical fragments are re-imagined and distributed in order to be explored and recombined by the participants as they move around the square. On the other side of the planet, on the Chatham Island, a twin portal diffuses the sound of Monza creating a connection between the two places.

Concept, project and sound design: Painé Cuadrelli
Recordings, editing: Mattia Liciotti


CORO INASCOLTATO / Matteo Milani / Piazza Carrobiolo

A musical experience where the exploration of the human voice allows us to cross the darkest and most remote places of our memory. Composed exclusively for the Kernel Festival 2021, the female voice guides us on an unpredictable otherworldly journey full of harmonic nuances and extended vocal techniques, creating an invisible sound fabric that inhabits this enchanting corner of Monza. A virtual theatre that vibrates within a physical space.

Concept, project and composition: Matteo Milani – U.S.O.
Vocal Artist: Giovanna Ferrara


A selection of Dante’s canti and sonnets interpreted by poets of Mille Gru and set to music by the Istituto Europeo di Design of Milan


Piazza dell’Arengario
CANTO XXVI – Ottava Bolgia – Divina Commedia, Inferno
Interpretation: Dome Bulfaro

Casa della Luna, vicolo Lambro
CANTO XXVIII – Nona Bolgia – Divina Commedia, Inferno
Interpretation: Rosaria Lo Russo

Casa-Torre dei Gualtieri, Via P. Mantegazza
CANTO XXXIII – Divina Commedia, Inferno
Interpretation: Nicolas Cunial

Piazza San Pietro Martire
SONNET “Tanto Gentile e tanto onesta pare” – Vita Nova, XXVI chapter
Interpretation: Eugenia “Anti gone” Giancaspro

Ponte di San Gerardino
SONNET “Guido, i’ vorrei che tu e Lapo ed io” – Rime, Poesia LII
Interpretation: Eugenia “Anti gone” Giancaspro

Scuola Primaria Dante Alighieri, Via Pacinotti
CANTO I – Divina Commedia, Inferno
“Dante nell’inferno cittadino”: project carried out with boys and girls of the class V B, “Dante Alighieri” Primary School of Monza
edited by: Mille Gru

Sound Safari is developed by AreaOdeon thanks to the contribution of Fondazione della Comunità Monza e Brianza. The section dedicated to Dante Alighieri is developed in collaboration with Mille Gru Associazione Culturale and Instituto Europeo di Design di Milano – Sound Design.

Interactive & Light Art

Kernel has always turned its attention to the most innovative artistic languages by promoting research and experimentation applied to digital, electronic, interactive, and light art. Visual installations that place the interaction with the public in relation to the surrounding space and the widest expressions of light at the center of the work itself.


POLYGONOMA by Vincio Siracusano

Site specific audio-light installation
A dynamic work in which light and sound give life to geometric compositions in continuous evolution.
With its 40 meters of RGB LED bars, for a total of 1200 individually controlled pixels, the installation represents the complexity generated by the repetition of simple geometries starting from the concept of “Genome”: the set of chromosomal information that defines DNA of a human being, in its uniqueness.
The work is suspended in the space of the external windows of the Museums and therefore visible from the inside and outside.
The acoustic component can be listened to through headphones or earphones via the Sound Safari platform.

Thanks to Musei Civici Monza e Comune di Monza


Site specific light installazione

“When night falls, and everyday life goes out, our thoughts dance.” Neon, once added to other materials, is now the main means of expression, the language of an artistic research between sculpture and light.

courtesy of Leo Galleries
thanks to Banco BPM

RIFLESSIONI by Alessandro Lupi

Site specific installation

The installation transforms the cadenced rhythm of the fence into a means to dialogue with the surrounding space, creating a dynamic effect of anamorphic transparencies.
Thanks to a subtle game of mirrors, the work fragments space and light with dual reflections coming from the Duomo, the garden and the sky, in an illusionistic effect that almost cancels the iron structure.
Passing along the road, the installation offers different effects depending on the point of view.

The work, created to be lived during the day, also gives unexpected perceptions in the dark. Thanks to a dynamic interactive lighting system, positioned in the gardens of the Duomo, it plays on the contrast of the reflected elements, creating a contemplative and magical atmosphere.


thanks to WEM – Empowering Art Platform

LIGHT FLOW by Students of Politecnico di Milano Scuola del Design

Collective light and sound installation
A dialogue between the surrounding environment and the light emitted by a large flexible screen (Net LED). The intertwining dynamics of the animations and the colors of the images with the luminous reflection of the same on the architecture.

Six projects developed by the students of the “Luce e Colore tra Arte e Design” course by the professor Gisella Gellini, the culture expert Cecilia Brianza and by the artists Marco Brianza and Marcello Arosio.

by G. Farah, E. Mendez, L. Petrilli, D. Rubio Saura, A. Stellari
The climate change that is ravaging the Earth. An immersion in a changing environment, from the natural colors of the water to the dark hues given by pollution.

by A. Bellomi, D. Gualtieri, V. Pinato, A. Riva
Global warming. A note of denunciation that invests the viewer with strong, warm colors and shades, which create a feeling of discomfort.

by E. Ivanova, C. Russo, C. Yiontis, A. Woeste
Symbolic elements of the city of Monza, the racetrack, speed, movement. The dynamism meets the soft and welcoming landscape of the Park.

by B. Chauhan, A. Masurkar
Colors influence our perception of the world, of situations, they tell a story: red, blood, the blood-red planet (Mars).

of S. Belloli, S. Berardo, F. Lamperti, L. Palazzolo, C. Predonzan
The Corona Ferrea (Iron Crown), one of the oldest symbols of the city of Monza: the elements, the colors, the designs become the protagonists.

by M. C. Cedone, C. Comini, Y. Cui, J. Li, I. Sienska
The speed of light: the Monza racetrack.

Politecnico di Milano Scuola del Design
Thanks to Società Cooperativa Edificatrice Giuseppe Garibaldi


Kernel has always created new opportunities for artists asking them to offer their artistic visions through international calls. The same happens on the occasion of the Festival that celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Join the platform with your projects by logging into your account or activating one: it is free and offers you the possibility that your work will be selected for this occasion or for future ones.
Be Kernel … STAY KERNEL !




conception and production: AreaOdeon
art and technical direction: Marcello Arosio
project management: Carlotta Fumagalli
external relations: Carlo Mondonico
web development: Davide Cappelletti
graphic production and video editing: Vincenzo Fabiano
graphic project: Marcello Arosio


project by
under the patronage of
with the contribution of
with the support of
thanks to
in collaboration with
with the technical support of