Audiovisual 3D mapping performances, light and sound installations and collaborative projects…

Kernel returns to Monza for the 2022 edition.


Monza, 23/9 – 2/10

Kernel Monza /022 embraces for 10 days the monumental complex of the Villa Reale together with the Nanni Valentini artistic high school which is based in the ancient stables of the Villa and which had already hosted the Istituto per le Industrie Artistiche in the Thirties, linked to the history of the Biennali and Triennali of Monza and Milan. The route continues with the Boschetti Reali (royal grove), a green area that connects the Villa and its Gardens to the city, up to the historic center.


Festival MAP

If you have problems with geolocalization:
Instructions for Android
Instructions for Apple iOS

Discover the Festival program and explore the city following the interactive map with GPS.
Allow access to geolocation and the compass to fully enjoy the Sound Safari experience: just put on the earphones and you can go.

As you move around the city you will find many sound projects to discover and information about the installations and partners of the project.

Audiovisual 3D Mapping

For Kernel, audiovisual mapping is an opportunity to involve artists in the interpretation of the same “canvas”, each developing their own work. The same architecture, the same facade, the same urban context are interpreted by the artists involved in a unique and personal way, through their language and style, to offer the public a different and innovative perception of reality.

  • September 23rd – October 2nd 2022 – VILLA REALE
    show times: 20:30, 21:15, 22:00, 22:45, 23:30
    free access
    The symbolic building of Monza hosts, in the Court of Honor, a series of audiovisual 3D mapping short films at 270°, developed on the central part and the two sides of the building (over 5,000 square meters of video projections), which involves the public in an immersive dimension also thanks to a spatialized octophonic audio system. An event of great visual and sound impact that further enhances the architectural beauties of the Villa Reale (Royal Villa) and its historical and cultural value recognized in Italy and in the world.
Paradoxa di Onionlab _ES

Paradoxa is a journey through time that will allow us to see and experience different moments, projected onto the facade of the building. It is a time cycle with no beginning or end, into which we are transported – into the past, into the present, into the future and beyond.
It will show us an uncertain future that we do not yet know what it can bring us.
The building will be transformed by time leaps that will help us imagine our future.
We want the public to ask themselves the following questions: Can we change our future with our present actions? Can we change our present by traveling to the past?

Onionlab is a multidisciplinary studio that directs and produces audiovisual installations and exhibitions and works at the intersection of art, design and technology.

iMagination by Maxin10sity _HU

The public is invited into a meditative dream world, where abstract projections meet concrete forms and together form a visual reality. By using spatialized sound to enhance the experience, we make the project even more engaging, so that we ourselves can be part of this transcendental universe during the entire duration of the show.

Maxin10sity creations are the result of the passion and intensity of the group. Passion for projection mapping and intensity in finding new forms of creative design. Maximum intensity in artistic ideas, modern technology, award-winning expertise and international business.

RISE by Onda + Delumen _IT

Joy, cheerfulness, irony, sarcasm … love, restlessness, sadness.
Laughters are one of the curious paradoxes of our life, because they expresses complex and deep emotions that are difficult to narrate, with an immediate, instinctive and physical reaction.
RISE retraces the path of a character who confronts himself in the most absurd theater, life.
He is accompanied by his laughter, a reflection of his emotions, most of the time illogical, incomprehensible and elusive.
He laughs at us, or at them, maybe he laughs at himself.

The all-Italian collaboration between Onda and Delumen is based on a shared interest in research and experimentation with multimedia artistic contamination.

Visual Artists:
Marcello Arosio, Raoul Battilani, Vincio Siracusano
Raoul Battilani

PROIEZIONI FUTURE by AreaOdeon _IT - throwback 2010

The audiovisual performance created in 2010 as part of the Creativi d’Impresa Workshop – Proiezioni Future is presented today in a reduced version compared to the original of 27 minutes. Interpreting the visual and sound language of the major artistic movements from the eighteenth century to today, from Neoclassicism to Pixel-Art, passing through Impressionism, Art Noveau, Pop Art and Optical, the video projections told with lights, colors, sounds and optical illusions, over two centuries of history of which Villa Reale was the protagonist and witness.

AreaOdeon is a collective that promotes art and culture as vehicles of involvement and enhancement of public space in an international context.

Artistic Direction: Marcello Arosio
Tutors: Marcello Arosio, Paolo Solcia
Assistants: Mattia Centemero, Yi Nong Dong, Giuseppe Pepe, Mattia Trabucchi
Participants: Alessandro Bono, Manuel Buscemi, Alfredo Chiarappa, Matteo Curcio, Vincenzo Fabiano, Filippo Genesini, Laura Grasseni, Dario Guzzeloni, Samuele Huynh Hong, Andrei Iancu, Francesco Lelli Mami, Ramona Mantegazza, Giovanni Marchi, Fabrizio Parisi, Francesca Pasini, Erika Patrignani, Emilia Poggiali, Valentina Savio, Laura Tedeschi, Lucrezia Tenerelli, Luca Veronese.


Digital & Light Art

Kernel has always turned its attention to the most innovative artistic languages by promoting research and experimentation applied to digital, electronic, interactive, and light art. Visual installations that place the interaction with the public and its involvement in relation to the surrounding space and the widest expressions of light at the center of the work itself.


Light Installations
AreaOdeon and the students of Liceo Nanni Valentini

The Liceo Artistico Nanni Valentini opens the doors of its historic headquarters to the public to present the multimedia projects developed by the students during a workshop on light and audiovisual led by teachers and tutors of the AreaOdeon team.
An opportunity for students to present their projects to the public and interact with professional artists and technicians and for citizens to get to know a historical educational reality such as the Nanni Valentini Art School.

Teachers: Maurizio Telloli, Makio Manzoni
Tutors: Marcello Arosio, Edoardo Falasco

This project is developed thanks to the support of Fondazione di Comunità di Monza e della Brianza.


Light installation + Sound Safari

In the green context of the Boschetti Reali, a natural link between the Royal Palace of Monza and the heart of the city, an acoustic and dynamic lighting project transforms the gardens into a suggestive scenography where the path created by lights and sounds introduces the public to the spectacle of the Villa .
The sound component can be listened to through the Sound Safari platform.

Concept: Marcello Arosio
Programming: Vincio Siracusano
Production: Edoardo Falasco
Soundscape: Davide Cappelletti


Participatory light Installation
AreaOdeon with students of Monza and Seregno primary schools

A large illuminated “magic box” that shows the visual projects developed by over 1000 children from primary and nursery schools in Monza. The installation, made up of LED Wall visible even during the day, represents, by combining and intertwining the self-portraits made by the children themselves, an illustrated “ring-around-the-rosey” that speaks of diversity and inclusion.

The project is developed with the participation of the pupils of:
– Baby College e Junior College Bilingual School
– Scuola dell’Infanzia Giotto
– Scuola dell’Infanzia Mirò
– Scuola dell’Infanzia Modigliani
– Scuola Primaria Bachelet
– Scuola Primaria Dante
– Scuola Primaria De Amicis
– Scuola Primaria Salvo D’Acquisto
– Scuola Primaria Volta

Concept: Marcello Arosio
Programming: Vincio Siracusano

This project is developed thanks to the support of Baby College e Junior College Bilingual Schools and Quick Printing Monza

Sound Safari

City center locations , 24 hours a day

An exploration of the city of Monza thanks to a technological platform for listening and contemplation. A sound experience to rediscover city places and spaces, where each site acquires a different meaning and atmosphere thanks to a dedicated musical and poetic project.

A Sound Safari to be experienced with the help of your smartphone and through your earphones, following the interactive map with the GPS activated, or by identifying the signposts while walking around the city; navigating it day and night to discover the works that each artist has linked to a specific place of historical and cultural value.

Soundscapes and electronic sound design projects offer the public a new perception of the urban space.

SENSORY PATH – soundscapes and sound design
An immersion in the city where sights and sounds dialogue for a new perception of the urban space



In the green context of the Boschetti Reali, a natural link between the Royal Palace of Monza and the heart of the city, an acoustic and dynamic lighting project transforms the groves into a suggestive scenography where the path created by lights and sound introduces the public to the spectacle of the Villa .
The sound component can be listened to through the Sound Safari platform.

Concept: Marcello Arosio
Programming: Vincio Siracusano
Production: Edoardo Falasco
Soundscape: Davide Cappelletti


Painé Cuadrelli

A sound portal transports the audience to the Chatham Islands (New Zealand). Environments, sounds from the antipodes and musical fragments are re-imagined and distributed in order to be explored and recombined by the participants as they move around the square. On the other side of the planet, on the Chatham Island, a twin portal diffuses the sound of Monza creating a connection between the two places.

Concept, project and sound design: Painé Cuadrelli
Recordings, editing: Mattia Liciotti


Matteo Milani

A musical experience where the exploration of the human voice allows us to cross the darkest and most remote places of our memory. Composed exclusively for the Kernel Festival 2021, the female voice guides us on an unpredictable otherworldly journey full of harmonic nuances and extended vocal techniques, creating an invisible sound fabric that inhabits this enchanting corner of Monza. A virtual theatre that vibrates within a physical space.

Concept, project and composition: Matteo Milani – U.S.O.
Vocal Artist: Giovanna Ferrara


Kernel has always created new opportunities for artists asking them to offer their artistic visions through international calls. The same happens on the occasion of the Festival that celebrates its 10th anniversary.
Join the platform with your projects by logging into your account or activating one: it is free and offers you the possibility that your work will be selected for this occasion or for future ones.
Be Kernel … STAY KERNEL !




project by
in collaboration with
with the contribution of
with the contribution of
with the support of
with the support of
with the participation of
with the technical support of
member of


conception and production: AreaOdeon
with: Onda Studio
art and technical direction: Marcello Arosio
production and programming: Vincio Siracusano, Edoardo Falasco, Raoul Battilani, Tommaso Arosio
project management: Carlotta Fumagalli
organizing secretary: Paola Tagliabue
external relations: Carlo Mondonico
graphic development: Giuditta Ongaro
web development and coding: Davide Cappelletti
press office: Espresso Communication

2021 edition

KernelX in numbers

  • 6 months, from June to November 2011
  • 17 artists
  • 8 art projects
  • 400 pupils, 4 primary schools
  • 76 students, 2 design academies
  • 40.000 spectators
  • 23 partners

Look at 2021 edition.